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Project Structure 

This Stewardship 360 project builds on the work we have done with Members in the apparel and food retail sectors. We have focused on working practices in the construction industry including the home builders, building materials and infrastructure companies. The project was structured as follows:

Educate: Understanding the systemic issues facing the sector and the existing initiatives that exist to address issues of labour exploitation.

Investigate: Inviting listed companies from different parts of the value chain to talk to investors about their work and challenges, as set out in their Modern Slavery Statements.

Integrate: Producing a sector-specific tool kit, to pull together the analysis and pertinent questions which could be applied within the sector.

Demonstrate: Participating in a collaborative project on a market-wide social issue will allow Members to demonstrate their interest and commitment within their Stewardship Code statements in Q1 2021. This phase focused on the systemic issues that contribute to the high risk of labour exploitation within the construction sector, and how investors can encourage companies to take steps to address the issue.

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